IVORY COAST| Dangerous Presidential!


TOURE Vakaba | Hard, hard, the West African mediation currently underway in Côte d’Ivoire. A serious delegation led by the head of Ghanaian diplomacy travels to Abidjan, history to resume language with the political leaders, who clearly have difficulty in making concessions on the feasibility and a consensual electoral calendar.
Despite the arrests begging the outgoing President of the Republic to postpone the electoral operations, he remains strangely camped on his position. In contrast, political opponents, united and determined to defeat by all means, by holding a ballot that they consider “dangerous”, to use the words of Affi N’Guessan Pascal, the president. the Front Populaire Ivoirien (FPI).

In their calls, gigantic demonstrations are announced from Monday, across the country, to concretely translate on the ground, the impediment of electoral operations.
Yesterday, unidentified individuals, some of whom attribute allegiance to the rhdp, the party of candidate Ouattara, burned down the residence of the former prime minister of Laurent Gbagbo, at his home in Bongouanou … at the very moment when the head of government invites the opposition to a « dialogue ». We should also remember that the ruling party had always remained deaf in the call for dialogue by this same opposition for several months, President Ouattara refusing any compromise with his opponents.

Visiting Man (West Ivory Coast) this Sunday, Alassane Ouattara hopes to be able to seduce the Dan people, traditionally housed in the Union for Democracy and Peace (UDPCI), a party founded by the most famous of his sons, the late Robert Guéï.
The country plunges into an almost hopeless adventure and the international community, through the voice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), affirms fears of clashes which could prove to be more chaotic than the Worst moments lived between November 2010 and April 2011. Deadly clashes had left « more than 3000 dead », at least, according to macabre accounts of the Ouattara government.

In contrast to this perennial danger, the increasingly warlike and aggressive speeches of the presidential candidate and his comrades have hardly changed by one iota. Formerly conciliator and peaceful, Hamed Bakayoko’s vocabulary has radically changed and the Prime Minister, also defense minister Alassane Ouattara is no longer likely to arrange the crowds of young people who adored him so much. The Abobo MP, clearly overwhelmed by events, seems practically out of arguments, and now uses threats and intimidation, hoping to bend political opponents, just as ready to do battle.
The future of Côte d’Ivoire worries!